HEA Fellowship Networking event: Encouraging recognition of Learning & Teaching (sponsored by AdvanceHE)
Wednesday 3 July: Conference day one, 4:00pm – 5:30pm networking event
Room 12 – 303-GO1 SLT1 LT
Dr Paula Myatt
Coordinator, HEAFellowships at Griffith Scheme
Griffith University, Australia
Would you like to meet other HEA Fellowship holders at HERDSA? Interested to know more about HEA Fellowships? What are the benefits from becoming a “fellow” – of any sort!? You are invited to an informal HEA Fellowship networking event. HEA Fellowship holders and those interested in knowing more about the benefits of “fellowship” are invited to attend. We will discuss “fellowships” in their various forms, and also discuss the benefits of programs that encourage recognition of learning and teaching experience and expertise. Many universities in Australia and New Zealand have HEA fellowship programs or are considering integrating some aspect of reward and recognition through fellowship within their institution. Maybe there is interest in forming a HERDSA Special Interest Group (SIG) to bring HEA fellowship holders together?
Presentation topic
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