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Enhancing learner engagement through video

Friday 5 July: Conference day three, 11:00am – 11:30am parallel session



Room 9 – 3030-G23 MLT1



Dilani Gedera
Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand



This presentation is based on the findings of Phase III of an institution-wide project on the effective use of interactive videos for teaching and learning in a university in New Zealand. Focusing on the use of video, the overall project investigated: (a) the ways lecturers currently use videos in teaching, and students’ perceptions of learning through videos (Phase I); (b) how to train staff to create their own interactive videos (Phase II); and (c) the effectiveness of the use of videos in teaching and learning through a case study approach (Phase III).

Phase III focused on a fully online marketing paper in a Masters Degree programme in 2018. As an eLearning Designer/Teaching Developer, the lead author met with the lecturer throughout the semester to discuss the ways in which videos can be embedded in the course to enhance student engagement. In the context of this research, learner engagement is defined as students’ active participation in learning activities such as achieving learning goals where students feel a sense of belonging to a learning community, and where they use collaborative ways to co-construct knowledge, interact with the content and technology, and maintain social and academic interactions with the peers and the lecturer (Gedera, 2014).


The initiative

The use of video in teaching and learning has proven to enhance learner engagement. This presentation discusses the findings of a case study that explored the incorporation of multiple types of video to improve learner engagement: interactive videos, instructional videos and video lectures.


Method(s) of data collection and analysis

Data were generated using semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Students and the lecturer were interviewed at the end of the semester. Interviewees were asked to comment on their experiences of learning and teaching with the use of videos and their experiences of creating videos using different tools. Through a thematic analysis of the interviews and document analysis of the online paper, the presentation discusses how these various types of video, as well as student-created videos, impacted learner engagement and experience in this context. This presentation will outline how these multiple types of videos were produced using different software and tools. 


Evidence of effectiveness

The findings of the case study suggest that the integration of videos helped students to grasp core ideas and concepts of marketing aligned with the paper’s learning outcomes, to gather a quick review of background knowledge, promote interaction, and test knowledge of what they had learned. The presentation also discusses the challenges of creating videos and shares planned changes for the improvement of this paper. Drawing on findings from this study, practitioners will be able to adapt strategies and practices discussed in this presentation to their own contexts.


Presentation topic

Students – Learning

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